by Bob Alman
With three of four days of block play completed, British players have nailed
down one medalist position and are almost certain to take another two as
well. In the fourth block, the lead of New Zealand's Tony Stephens is being
challenged by Aussie Harley Watts and dark horse Leo McBride of Canada.
England's Stephen Mulliner, with five triple peels in six block wins, has
confirmed his status as the favorite to win it all for the fourth time.
Fellow Britons Debbie Cornelius and Jeff Dawson are playing well and will
likely also win their blocks..
Other highly touted Brits are having some difficulty in this qualifying
round, including current world champion Chris Clarke and Steve Comish, a star
performer at the recent Solomon matches between the United States and
Britain. Chris Clarke will probably qualify to continue into the elimination
round on Friday, while Comish will have a difficult time making the cut.
European champion Simon Williams of Ireland has failed to find his game,
having won only one of his first four games, and faces the likelihood of not
being one of the 16 players who continue past Thursday.
The block winners gain a favored position at the end of a single-elimination
ladder played by the other 12 qualifiers - the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th positions in
each of the four blocks of seven. With three of the four medalist positions
still undecided, many critical games are to be played on Thursday, the final
day of qualifying block play.
On Friday, the four block winners (the medalists) will play a round-robin,
with the winner advancing to the "holder" position, guaranteed second place
and needing only to play off against the sole survivor of the elimination
ladder to decide the 1997 championship on Saturday.
Jeff Dawson alone is undefeated in his block and probably needs to win only
one of his two remaining games to qualify for the Medalist Round as block
winner. It is still possible, however, for number two Lewis Palmer of Wales
to catch up if he wins his two remaining games.
Aaron Westerby Robert Rebuschatis Aaron Westerby Simon Williams Robert Rebuschatis |
26 TP 26 26 26 22 |
v v v v v |
Colin Pickering Rhys Thomas Rhys Thomas Colin Pickering Simon Williams |
22 4 0 0 14 |
Jeff Dawson Jeff Dawson Lewis Palmer Lewis Palmer Rhys Thomas Aaron Westerby |
26 26 TP 26 TP 26 26 26 TP |
v v v v v v |
Colin Pickering Aaron Westerby Colin Pickering Rhys Thomas Simon Williams Simon Williams |
0 9 0 9 9 0 |
Jeff Dawson Jeff Dawson Lewis Palmer Colin Pickering Colin Pickering |
26 TP 26 TP 26 TP 26 26 TP |
v v v v v |
Lewis Palmer Rhys Thomas Robert Rebuschatis Rhys Thomas Robert Rebuschatis |
23 1 0 0 0 |
Debbie Cornelius is undefeated in her block and needs to win only one of her
final two games (against American Phil Arnold and Aussie Jeff Newcombe) to
take the medalist spot from Steve Jones of New Zealand. She has already won
her game against Jones by a one-point margin.
Debbie Cornelius Debbie Cornelius Steve Jones Steve Jones Jeff Newcombe |
26 TP 26 TP 26 TP 26 26 TP |
v v v v v |
Ren Kraft Rod Williams Jeff Newcombe Rod Williams Ren Kraft |
0 1 9 1 10 |
Chris Clarke Chris Clarke Steve Jones Ren Kraft Jeff Newcombe Rod Williams |
26 TPO 26 TP 26 TP 26 26 23 |
v v v v v v |
Steve Jones Ren Kraft Phil Arnold Rod Williams Phil Arnold Jeff Newcombe |
13 0 1 24 17 21 |
Phil Arnold Phil Arnold Debbie Cornelius Debbie Cornelius Steve Jones |
26 20 26 TPO 26 26 |
v v v v v |
Chris Clarke Ren Kraft Chris Clarke Steve Jones Ren Kraft |
23 17 14 25 4 |
Harley Watts of Australia could knock block leader Tony Stephens of New
Zealand with wins over both Steve Comish and Toby Garrison This is the
only block the British cannot win.
Leo McBride Mik Mehas Tony Stephens Tony Stephens Harley Watts |
26 24 26 26 TP 26 |
v v v v v |
Harley Watts Erv Peterson Leo McBride Erv Peterson Mik Mehas |
17 9 14 2 5 |
Steve Comish Toby Garrison Mik Mehas Tony Stephens Harley Watts Harley Watts |
26 26 TP 26 26 TP 23 26 |
v v v v v v |
Erv Peterson Mik Mehas Steve Comish Toby Garrison Tony Stephens Erv Peterson |
4 0 21 0 22 4 |
Toby Garrison Leo McBride Leo McBride Mik Mehas Tony Stephens |
26 26 TP 26 TP 26 26 TP |
v v v v v |
Steve Comish Toby Garrison Mik Mehas Tony Stephens Steve Comish |
0 12 9 4 0 |
Undefeated Stephen Mulliner of England has a lock on the medalist position,
having made five of his six wins with triples. He beat his closest rival in
the block, American Wayne Rodoni, by a margin of three points.
Stephen Mulliner Stephen Mulliner Wayne Rodoni Jerry Stark Jerry Stark |
26 26 TP 26 TP 26 26 |
v v v v v |
Mohammad Kamal Wayne Rodoni Tony LeMoignan Mohammad Kamal Tony LeMoignan |
0 0 0 2 15 |
Shane Davis Brett Hewitt Brett Hewitt Stephen Mulliner Wayne Rodoni Wayne Rodoni |
26 26 26 TP 26 TP 26 TP 26 TP |
v v v v v v |
Tony LeMoignan Tony LeMoignan Brett Hewitt Jerry Stark Shane Davis Jerry Stark |
0 13 0 11 23 11 |
Brett Hewitt Brett Hewitt Tony LeMoignan Stephen Mulliner Stephen Mullineer |
26 26 TP 22 26 TP 26 TP |
v v v v v |
Shane Davis Mohammad Kamal Mohammad Kamal Shane Davis Tony LeMoignan |
23 2 21 9 14 |
Thanks to John Taylor and Mike Orgill for making possible these daily report