Bob Alman - 1939-2022
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Bob Alman, our Croquet World Online editor-and-chief, passed away on March 17, 2022, after a short illness. He was unmatched in bringing the sport, culture and history of croquet to the internet through this online magazine, illuminating croquet to the world as it never had been before. He was very much an "original" and well known in the croquet community all over the world. Bob reflected on his life as it eventually fell into croquet's orbit - or visa versa - in these pages with his "Bob Alman Memoirs". Bob was inducted into the World Croquet Federation Hall of Fame in 2020. He was dedicated and passionate about expanding the sport he loved and has left us a legacy that will continue to enrich the sport of croquet well into the future. For us here at CWO, we have lost a dear friend and we will miss him.
World Federation to publish revision of Golf Croquet rules in new edition
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Anyone can learn to play this simple game with satisfaction within minutes, which may help explain how, over the last three decades, this Egyptian-spawned variety has become the most popular form of croquet worldwide. It has made the sport the "social" game needed to increase local club memberships allowing all the players to be on the court at the same time,
waiting for their next shot, as one can quickly figure out from this summary.
But the official rules must now be "perfected," for a sixth time. It's what world federations do. And it's a chance for everyone in the world to comment and question. So, scan the synopsis. Play a game. Then come up with a question whose answer has not yet been incorporated in these massive rules since their first publication decades ago. If you want to participate in the process, first read the "consultation draft" of the newly revised sixth edition of official Golf Croquet Rules (pdf) to be published in 2022..
Croquet Books Give-Away!
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A wealthy croquet enthusiast has worked hard for several years to develop and test refinements for the relatively fast-moving games now increasingly favored by croquet club members, and has recruited some top-level help in refining, testing, perfecting, and distributing them. These are NEW BOOKS, newly developed and well tested by top-ranked players at the USCA's National Croquet Center. This announcement is addressed to serious croquet players around the world via croquet's Nottingham Board. See The Game.
WCF defers action on gender policy and top-level championships
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The World Croquet Federation newsletter reports that action on a gender policy has been deferred until 2022, after the Olympics policy is known. Many world championship events are tentatively calendared for 2022--
three in the UK and one at the Victoria Centre in Australia. New Zealand's proposal to reduce the number of singles events has led to a survey of the top 600 players. See the newsletter for details.
Best of the rest--Spain wins
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The sport of croquet, organized through the World Croquet Federation, has evolved a way to rank the relative playing strength of all the countries who maintain and regulate the games--with periodic 6-person team events in an all-play-all format. The host country, Spain, has defeated the "holder" Wales, denying Wales a spot in the next Tier One event, necessarily limited to four countries. Spain has built the sport the way Jack Osborn built croquet in America--through the elite class. See the event website .
Is Covid at last in retreat?
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The public press likes to report trends and cycles. The TIMES wonders aloud if an observed two-month cycle
in the USA signals a final and universal decline in infections, or just another temporary one that is part of an overall pattern not yet understood. New York Times Newsletter.
Bob Chilton
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Bob Chilton, a major benefactor of many worthy causes,
passes away following a deadly car crash in West Palm Beach on Sunday night.
He was driving home after games at the National Croquet Center.
His hometown newspaper in a Dallas suburb rememberd him this way,
and CroquetWorld links to one of several articles on his favorite
activity, besides croquet: photography.
Debbie Lines succeeds Mulliner
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After a year backing up Stephen Mulliner, Debbie Lines has taken her place as the first female Secretary-General of the World Croquet Federation, in London. As Debbie Cornelius, she was the top female player a quarter century ago and competed in the MacRobertson Shield and at Sonoma-Cutrer, where the editor of CWOM interviewed her in 1996. See the WCF website. .
Canadians still sharing with bowlers
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Joining with lawn bowling clubs for mutual benefit has succeeded wherever it has been tried, and Canada led the way decades ago. In the Pandemic era, the safety margin of croquet makes a difference--along with the enterprise of the publisher of 6 Hoops Northwest to put it all together.
See. See 6 Hoops Northwest - August 2021 (pdf) .
My life in Art, Part 2
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PART TWO: John Prince continues and concludes his personal accounting of his post-competitive and still developing career as an artist. See the article and Walk-Though Gallery in See People.
British Open '21 sets records
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Although the signup was smaller than usual, the British Singles Championship was once again the "virtual world championship,' as Bamford defeated Fulford with multiple sextuples in the finals in early July at England's Surbiton club. See News & Features.
Bamford wins singles final in British Opens
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Both Bamford and Fulford had already broken Solomon's long-standing record of ten wins.
Each of them had eleven wins going into Sunday's best-of-five final. Bamford enjoys a slight statistical advantage over both Fulford and Paddy Chapman. See Croquet Scores for extended commentaries, line-up, and more.
My life in Art Words and pictures by John Prince
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PART ONE: John Prince is surely the sport's most visible artist, published often in these cyberpages. This accounting of his development as an artist was completed as easily as was his earlier croquet memoir, one of the most popular articles published here. See People.
Croquet Genesis
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"Ten Years of the Open" is the way Mike Orgill titled this piece, published in the 1993 San Francisco Open tournament program. We agreed it was a work of genius, from the long-ago when croquet really was "the fastest growing sport in America." See The Game.
Northampton vs Peterborough
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They are forty miles apart, in central England, and their now-annual best-of-nine interclub match will decide how they will all pronounce England's River Nene--but there's always next year. See the Bulletin Board.
USCA AC Nationals
SARASOTA, April 10--17
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Sarasota County Croquet Club hosted the National Championship of Association Croquet, which ended Saturday. Jeff Soo won the singles in three games, and Matthew Essick prevailed in doubles with partner Charlie Xavier. Photo by Bob van Tassel. See the Bulletin Board.
Advantage Golf Croquet trials
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Although Golf Croquet has become the dominant form of the sport, no uniform method of handicapping has been applied. But now a WCF working party have devised a proposed method based on an Irish model which maintains the basic rules and the 13-point, first-to-seven game. Players everywhere are invited to try it out in 2021 and report their experience to the World Croquet Federation.
New Zealand champion Paul Skinley dies in Wellington
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When the announcement of the death of a most unusual champion was reported on the Nottingham Board, much comment was generated from fellow players and friends. See News & Features.
GC regionals at NCC
West Palm Beach, April 22-26
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Everyone with expertise from any region or locale may play in the 3-flight Florida Regional Championships of Golf Croquet in late April at America's premier facility, in West Palm Beach. See the American Bulletin Board.
Croquet painting for 21 million?
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The public auction was at Sotheby's New York. The painting is described by some auction hounds as a direct consequence of "cancel culture," but no one speaks against the sale price. See the Phaidon website.
2021 begins with scarcity and hope
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Of course 2021 will be better than 2020, eventually. But in the winter and spring, in most of the world, scarcity of supplies and equipment creates medical desperation while vaccinations lag. See Letters & Opinion.
So who really won?
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The most contentious presidential election in US history was settled with a political deal that gave the underdog Republican the office over a Democrat with more votes. Croquet plays a part in this strangely familiar 12-year-old story. See News & Features.
Interviewing "Dorothy Rush"
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The infamous prognostications of Mrs. Rush are plumbed by her discoverer in this manicured Croquet Gazette reprint from the year 2000. See People.
Spectacular new Website!
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Championship player Paddy Chapman has invested enormous labor and expertise to create a sophisticated contemporary online learning site everyone can understand and appreciate, from beginners to advanced players. Explore it at CroquetDev.
NC's Pinehurst courts imperiled
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The site of many international and national events in the US will have to move to make room for a new hotel. It's a done deal, but croquet spokesperson Jim Spoonhour has been promised "another site" within the complex. From Sandhills Sentinel.
Tony Hall's croquet memoir
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PART ONE: Discovering croquet after retirement from the army in 1989, the Australian embarked upon a globe-trotting lifestyle which would segue into the presidency of the world body for the sport, at a critical time in its development. See People.
Croquet Matters Newsletter
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The October issue of New Zealand's monthly is exceptional only by showing how "normal" the sport of croquet can be. It also lauds the achievements of Greg Bryant, Chris Clarke, and Edmund Fordyce. See Croquet Matters.
Fire at Smith-Madrone
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Charlie Smith's brother Stu's riveting account of saving their family winery sketches all the dimensions of the problem, lauds the fire-fighters, and shines a light on the future of forest management. From Wine-searcher.com.
Meadowood burning
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That was roughly the title of four emails I opened after returning from an early dinner in West Palm Beach. Not just Meadowood, but countless square miles of Napa Valley, including St. Helena and Calistoga Ranch and much more, being consumed by an uncontrolled fire. See News & Features.
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While croquet proceeds unabated--in the US as well as around the world--the USCA Management Committee suspended all national title events until 2021. See News & Features.
Championship at Chesapeake Bay
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Near-perfect media coverage for the American national championship in Virginia includes a link to a two-minute TV spot with drone shots, featuring a young player ranked #3 in the world. From WTKR.
"Let's have a ball!"
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Only in America would the Palm Beach way of raising significant money for the sport be done this way; but it still succeeds in the only country in the world where croquet is regarded as a rich man's sport. See News & Features.
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In 2020, government regulations permit singles only at Cheltenham in September, but postponement of all WCF events has made it once again the world standard for excellence in Association Croquet. See the Bulletin Board.
Croquet in the time of Covid
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With three lawns and regulations limiting lawn capacity to four players, club innovators are designing events that fit into the space and time allotted; the plan at Tunbridge Wells features shorter games, for everyone. See The Game.
"I can't breathe"
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A knee on my neck or a novel virus in my lungs threatens my life; but I can still play croquet to celebrate "re-opening" around the world. See News & Features.
Quantifying Golf Croquet
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With the Cowing Performance Analysis tool an improving player can continue to progress in Golf Croquet by measurable increments in practice, and in tournament results. See The Game.
C.B. Smith, 1923-2020
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He sparked the Beverly Hill Croquet Club's transition from a Hollywood phenomenon to a world-class sporting club in the late 1980s and 90s and loved to surprise opponents with his own theatricality. See People.
Cresting the Wave
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A new reality could be the saving grace of humanity in a world where everyone is joyfully, safely and confidently united, without physical or emotional barriers, beyond consideration of class or status. It's possibility glimpsed in vast and empty public spaces much too small to accommodate such a transformation. See Letters & Opinion.
World Federation tentative
in maintaining 2020 schedule
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With Tier One of the Golf Croquet World Championship recently completed in Australia, the WCF plans for Tier Two in Spain in May and Tier Three in England in July, followed by the Women's Association Croquet World Championship in New Zealand in November, but warns the schedule may be altered, pending developments. See the WCF newsletter.
Croxit: Croquet after Brexit
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According to the Brit who created and manages the Liverpool Croquet Club, the sport no longer can serve as an escape from the politics and the climate of a newly fragmented globe. See Letters & Opinion.
Association World Championship
Victoria, Australia, Feb 15-23
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Reg Banford won his fifth Association Croquet world title by defeating young American Matthew Essick in four games in the finals match. See the Bulletin Board.
A chat with David McCoy
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He's guy who in 2007-08 rescued the National Croquet Center from an almost certain demise and is still working hard behind the scenes to guarantee its future. See People.
Golf Croquet World Teams
South Island, NZ, January 6-12
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The "youth squad" of New Zealand engineered a stunning come-from-behind victory over a highly seasoned elite team from Egypt. Third place went to England, fourth to USA. See the Bulletin Board.
Australia fires report
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Croquet players exchange news and views on the fires which experts predict may not be under control until May, as both animal and plant life are being wiped out. See the Bulletin Board.
America has a new wunderkind
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Blake Fields just turned 13, and already he is playing in major finals of Golf Croquet and competing
well in Association Croquet. See People.
Solomon Trophy Matches
North Carolina, October 1-4
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Great Britain retained the trophy despite lagging throughout in most of the vital stats, winning with a final score of 11 matches to 9 in the best-of-21 match series. See the Bulletin Board for reports.
Across the moat
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The game includes a lot more than croquet at the Bishop's Palace, an English medieval site with a central lawn that animates the space for visitors and players alike. In News & Features.
The Club
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It's the smallest common denominator for the people who want to play croquet together. We chose just one of them, in Australia, to represent in words and pictures what it takes to make the club flourish. See News & Features.
Remembering Neil Spooner
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Rhys Thomas recalls the highs and lows of Neil Spooner's life, and especially his time at Sonoma-Cutrer in California, teaching us our own game. See People.
Golf Croquet World Championship England, July 27 - August 4
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In a stunning turn-around, losing two-to-one, American Ben Rothman replayed his resurrection in the semi-final against Freeth, taking the final two games to win the best-of-five match against the Egyptian contender, Mohammed Karem. See the Bulletin Board.
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The early and most influential imported American pro shaped the Sonoma-Cutrer World Championship and profoundly influenced the way the USCA game is played. See his three-part memoir on Croquet World.
Quadways in America
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This remarkable hoop system is now accessible to top players everywhere, so the question now becomes: Will it see widespread adoption in local clubs around the world? See The Game.
Bob Alman Memoir Part Two
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Reinventing himself and setting out into the world, he organizes America's first two-court club on public turf. See People.
Spanish International Opens
Vista Hermosa, June 10-15
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This Golf Croquet event attracted some of the star players of the game and concluded with Reg Bamford's defeat in match play by the native Spanish star, Jose Riva. See the Bulletin Board.
What is Howard Sosin's game?
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He likes to figure things out and made a fortune inventing financial derivatives in the early 90's. Now he creates and perfects new croquet variations--including "Peel Croquet"--in a games laboratory with top players at the National Croquet Center. See News & Features.
Croquet Innovations #2
South Florida, March 26-31
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World Champion Paddy Chapman took the title in Peel Croquet at the National Croquet Center, while Pete Trimmer defeated American Ben Rothman in the finals of Two-Shot Golf Croquet. See the Bulletin Board.
USCA AC Nationals
Sarasota, March 24-30
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Stephen Morgan played his way to the top of the USCA's national championship of Association Croquet in both singles and doubles. See the Bulletin Board.
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This article about croquet at upscale communities in Jacksonville and North Carolina is surprisingly accurate, although it hardly mentions the growth of the sport in public venues. See the Wall Street Journal.
USCA Croquet Week Florida, March 8-17
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The Beach Club edged out New York and the National Croquet Center for the large-club Lyons Trophy, while David McCoy paired with club pro David Bent won championships doubles. See complete results of the three-flight annual on the Bulletin Board.
Golf Croquet Womens World
New Zealand, Feb 2-9, 2019
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Egyptians dominated the main knockout ladder, with Soha Mostafa defeating Manal Khoudier in four games of the best-of-five finals. See the Bulletin Board.
A deadly croquet Situation
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You think you can clearly see and understand the fine line that separates a game from reality. But that line turns out to be completely invisible in the life-or-death case of a Situation. See Letters & Opinion.
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Ten teams contest the event in scrappy play at the National Croquet Center in the fourth edition of this national event. See the Bulletin Board.
USCA Seniors & Masters
West Palm Beach, Nov 7-11
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Huneycutt won Senior singles,Cardo/Chilton took the championship trophy in the combined Seniors/Masters doubles events, and Bob Chilton will be the first name on the perpetual trophy for the best performance by a "Super Masters" player, that is, over 80. See complete finalist results on the Bulletin Board.
Letters to the Club
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This collective memoir from members of the San Francisco Croquet Club in its glory years may say as much about the generics of remembered youth as about the sport. See People.
Over-50 Golf Croquet Worlds
Cairo, Egypt, October 6-13
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Stephen Mulliner provides a riveting account of the world championship, played in Egypt among masters of the sport, and won by an Egyptian woman. See the Bulletin Board.
American Rules Nationals
Chesapeake Bay, Oct 7-13
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Danny Huneycutt is national champion again, and Jeff Soo takes doubles with Canadian partner Brian Cumming. See the Bulletin Board.
USCA Golf Croquet Nationals
North Carolina, Sept 19-23
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Abdelwahab takes it all in the national championship, winning both both doubles and singles in a tough field of an over-subscribed tournament. See the Bulletin Board.
GC or AC: A peace proposal
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The global schism between Golf Croquet and Association Croquet endangers the future of the sport; a radical interim solution is proposed. See The Game.
R.I.P., Mik Mehas
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He became croquet's celebrated "bad boy" when the sport needed publicity. This recollection of Rhys Thomas is largely about how Mehas created and managed his own legend. See People.
Solomon Trophy teams
England, August 7-10
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Midday on the final day of the International Test, Great Britain posted the winning match, scoring a 12-5 win against the US. See the Bulletin Board.
Do women equal men?
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No, they don't, either in learning patterns or in competitive results. This editorial examines why that is, explores the exceptions, and asks how and whether the situation needs to be remedied See Letters & Opinion.
The Bob Alman Memoir
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This third-person fragment by the founding editor of this magazine could serve as a "how to" for other and more distinguished croquet personalities still alive, breathing, and remembering. See Part One in People.
Picturing the sport
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John Prince augments his three-part "Life in Croquet" with vividly recorded sketches of places, persons, and events both real and imagined. See News & Features.
USCA Club Teams
National Center, March 14-18
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The finals turned out to be something never seen in the top flight of a major American Rules tournament: Mixed Doubles! See the Bulletin Board.
Good News/Bad News
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The bottom line: both the sport and the USCA have survived and prospered, as America has joined the rest of the world in a global sport that is finally--and proudly--middle class. See Letters & Opinion.
USCA AC Nationals
Mission Hills, Feb 18-24,
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Jeff Soo is once again the Association Croquet champion, and Rich Lamm took doubles with partner Brian Cumming. See the Bulletin Board.
World Championship, Feb 3-11
Wellington, New Zealand
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Paddy Chapman wins his first world title against Reg Bamford in an epic five-game finals match. See the Bulletin Board.
Lighting the Courts
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As club membership grows, one way to maximize playing space without building more courts is to extend the playing time beyond twilight--with the aid of court lighting. See News & Features.
The story of deadness
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After decades of scholarship, research, academic reports, and speculation on the subject, a magazine writer brings together all the elements into a rationally conjectured complete narrative. See The Game.
Backyard genesis story
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A typical and absolutely unique happenstance in Colorado sparks the creation of a croquet club on "found turf" in the desert. See The Game.
Royal interloper
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Princess Charlotte's tennis lessons at Hurlingham are generating complaints from members who once refused admittance to the exclusive London club to Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. From Business Insider.
USCA Seniors & Masters
Florida, November 14-19, 2017
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The highest winning score in the eight timed finals was Dick Scherf's 17 in First Flight singles. Other singles champions were Rick Sheely, David Ekstrom, Arthur Olson, and Bobbie Duryea. See the Bulletin Board.
American Rules Nationals
California, November 5-11
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Sherif Abdelwahab won his first American Rules national championship, while tournament director took doubles with partner Richard Lamm. See the Bulletin Board.
The Croquet Apocalypse
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While the world changes around them, older players fail to adjust to the faster pace of life in the Internet age or to recruit younger players into the sport. See Letters & Opinion.
Northern California Fire Spares
Sonoma-Cutrer, Meadowood
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Mike Orgill reports from the middle of the unprecedented fires sweeping across Northern California and impacts on players and staff. See the Forum.
World Championship players
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Complete selections for the February 2018 event in New Zealand have been announced by the World Croquet Federation. See the Bulletin Board.
Irma's Hurricane Diary
September 2017, Florida
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The record-breaking storm will affect the entire state and everyone in it--including our editor in West Palm Beach. See the Forum.
USCA Golf Croquet Eights
Sarasota, Oct. 20-23, 2017
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America's first-ever Golf Croquet Eights will be played over four days in Florida on Sarasota's six courts--and you have to apply very soon! See the Bulletin Board.
Home Court Advantage
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Now you can spot all the boundary drop-offs before you ever play at their British club, with the aid of new range-finding technology potentially available to everyone. See the Oxford Croquet Site.
The out player
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The self-described mascot of the losing British players at the recent world teams discovers an added element of entertainment in one of the world's slowest sports. See The Game.
Croquet Day: June 4
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It's the official day for celebrating the sport in England, publicized with a new promotional video produced at the Nottingham club. See the BBC website.
Re-Languaging the rules
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The merging of two separate streams of development in the 80's created a polyglot of persisting differences in Golf Croquet and Association Croquet. See The Game.
Open season for politics
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Non-Tory voters hide among the vocal majority at Wells Cathedral while the bishop scores a ceremonial Rover to open the croquet season. From the Guardian.
MacRobertson Shield teams
California - April 18 to May 5
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Australia took back the Shield they lost in 1935, establishing the final order, with England second, New Zealand third, and the US fourth. See the Bulletin Board.
USCA National Championship, AC
South Florida, April 2-8
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Stephen Morgan defeated Jeff Soo in the singles final and with Huneycutt took doubles in three from Soo and Lawrence. See the Bulletin Board.
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Long the national model for public club development, the Sarasota County Croquet Club, with six full-sized courts, can now host major national and international events. See News & Features.
Golf Croquet World Championship
Australia, Feb 25 - March 5
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Reg Bamford regained his world title by a razor-thin margin over Egypt's Ahmed Nasr in Sunday's best-of-five finals. See the Bulletin Board.
Under 21 Golf Croquet Worlds
Victoria, Australia, Feb 18-22
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The knockout--six Kiwis, one Aussie, and one Egyptian--was a triumph of Greg Bryant's decade of work in the New Zealand school system, won by Felix Webby. See the Bulletin Board.
Croquet at Mar-a-Lago
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The front lawn of Donald Trump's "winter white house" accommodates several reduced-size courts, where members of the National Croquet Center once played as "limited reciprocal members." See photos from the Strait Times.
Mallet Mania
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The writer's croquet adventure has taken him through many mallets in a couple of decades, some of which have now become paperweights. See News & Features.
World Teams Championships
April 18 - May 4, 2017
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All four six-player teams have been selected for the Ryder Cup of croquet, to be played at Mission Hills Country Club in Southern California. See the Bulletin Board.
Two decades later
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Mike Orgill and Bob Alman interview each other again, twenty years after this magazine began, survey the changes in the sport worldwide, and agonize over the global ascendancy of Trumpism. See People.
Your perfect event: Part Two
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Why is the element of time still pervasive in America at all levels of play? In England, clock time plays little role in classic weekend competitions fashioned especially for high-level players of working age. See News & Features.
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The editor photographs the National Croquet Center before and after Matthew and during the 2016 USCA National American Rules Championship. See Bulletin Posting.
USCA National Championships
Palm Beach, October 9-15
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The National Croquet Center, hardly touched by Matthew, has never been in better shape to host 40 players in South Florida's season opener. See Bulletin Posting.
Your perfect event, Part One
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Sponsored Golf Croquet programs for novices generates club revenue in Australia; in South Florida, the "Golf Croquet Champion of Champions Invitational" seeks new underwriting. See News & Features.
New at the Centres!
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Different/better/more and new all combine to improve the only 12-court facilities in the world, on opposite sides of the globe. See our picture story in News & Features.
British Opens Championship
Cheltenham, England, July 2-9
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Ben Rothman becomes the first American singles victor in the British Opens by defeating Samir Patel and Jeff Soo takes the Plate in two straight over Jeff Dawson. See the Bulletin Board.
24th Solomon Trophy Matches
Bowdon, England, June 28-31
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Great Britain won the test on Day Three, racking up a final score of 17-4 on the final day. See the Bulletin Board for links to summaries and commentary by James Hawkins..
Oxford University Cuppers
Oxford, April 20-June 25
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Dr. Ian Plummer reports, with photos, on the sport's biggest organised competition at the quarter-final stage, on courts with tighter hoops. See the Bulletin Board.
GC World Team Championships
England - May 15-21, 2016
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New Zealand upset Egypt 7-5 as England easily bested Ireland for third, and the US, Sweden, and South Africa all preserved their places in Tier One for the next World Teams. See the Bulletin Board.
The McDonnell Tapes
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Mike Orgill's interview with the pioneer of California croquet who shaped the historic emergence of Sonoma-Cutrer and Meadowood is linked to other voices of the time. See News & Features.
Croquet World Championship
Palm Beach, April 16-24
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The oldest ever finalists--both 62--had to play five games to decide the championship. Stephen Mulliner of England defeated American pro David Maloof under lights. See Bulletin Board.
World Championship Qualifier
Palm Beach, April 11-14
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Amid much excitement as players arrived for the main event, eight qualifiers emerged from the field of 18 aspirants. See the Bulletin Board.
USCA Club Teams
Palm Beach, March 16-20
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Abdelwahab/Knuth defeated Wassink/Carbo in Championship Finals, while West River Wickets topped the First Division to win the Lyons Trophy. See Bulletin Board.
How old is "too old"?
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Statistically, it's just a number. Individually, most aging champions continue to compete in events that test not only their skill but also their motivation and endurance. See The Game Department.
The bugaboo of time
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Time of all sorts--game time, stroke time, match time--is sometimes necessary in croquet competitions, but there are ways to mitigate the tyranny of the clock. Letters & Opinion.
My Hall of Fame speech
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Our editor writes an off-the-podium speech about the three inductees into the 2015 Croquet Foundation of America's Hall of Fame. People.
USCA Seniors & Masters Palm Beach, November 3-7
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Local players topped the Championship flights in this big event with many good players from the West, while out-of-towners prevailed in the lower flights. See the Bulletin Board.
USCA Selection Eights
October 22-25, South Florida
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Jeff Soo reports on the complete final results--including 30 triples. See Bulletin Board for periodic updates.
Women's AC World Championship
Nottingham, July 25 - Aug 1
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Miranda Chapman is the new champion, blanking opponent Gabrielle Higgins in the fifth and tie-breaking game of the match. See the Bulletin Board.
The Growth of Croquet |
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By interviewing real croquet players, visiting actual clubs, and compiling authentic statistics, BBC contradicts the "Silly Season" newspaper stories. See BBC News video.
The British Open
July 4-12, Surbiton
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It was a great day for seasoned champions: Fulford won singles over Chapman in two games, and Bamford/Rothman took doubles over Fulford and Clarke in three. See Bulletin Board.
USCA GC National Championship
Lake Toxaway, NC, June 24-27
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Ben Rothman steam-rolled through singles and took doubles with partner Sherif Abdelwahab, defeating Huneycutt and Dincer. See the Bulletin Board.
Living a big dream in KC
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On a hillside near Kansas City, Matt Griffith is perfecting his one-lawn club, with "full capacity" measured by growing revenue, more and bigger parties, and personal satisfaction. See News & Features.
Facts for Vanity Fair
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Checking the facts as requested by a mainstream publication can be as instructive and much more fun than the run-of-the-mill article they publish. See News & Features.
23rd Solomon Trophy Matches
Pinehurst, May 8 - May 11, 2015
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The final score was Great Britain 15, USA 6. See the Bulletin Board for details.
USCA National Championships
South Florida, April 26 - May 2
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In best-of-three finals, Jeff Soo and Brian Cumming took doubles from David Maloof and Jim Bast, while Maloof beat Soo in singles. See the Bulletin Board.
History of Golf Croquet
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Ray Hall compiles existing English-language sources and adds new details in a still-incomplete account to encourage more research. See The Game.
USCA Club Teams
Palm Beach, March 17-22
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David Bent and Chuck Loving won the Championship flight, while the NCC and Bombay shared top club honors. See the Bulletin Board.
Keith Wylie and Me |
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Mike Orgill explores Wylie's Expert Croquet Tactics thirty years after the publication of the ground-breaking book and his first review. See Letters & Opinion.
Golf Croquet World Championship New Zealand, February 7-15
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Ahmed El Mahdi defeats fellow Egyptian Hamy Erian in five games to win the top trophy. The best-of-five match contests Hamy Erian against Ahmed El Mahdi. Se the Bulletin Board.
The First Sextuple
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The legendary John Prince of New Zealand describes the first one ever done in competition, more than 15 months before Wylie wowed the British with his own. See The Game.
Steve Johnston: 1940 - 2015
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A beloved croquet booster and long-time supporter of the American International Team has passed away in Jacksonville. See Florida Times-Union.
2014 Grand Prix final
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Jeff Soo emerged as winner, followed by Ben Rothman, barely edging out Bob van Tassel. Track the new 2015 game here.
Nottingham club funded
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He's the head honcho of the historic 9-court croquet complex at Nottingham and also the creator of croquet's main news-feed, the Nottingham Board. See People.
USCA Golf Croquet Nationals
California - Dec 8-13
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Ben Rothman defeated David Bent in two games in the singles final, and with partner Sherif Abdelwhab prevailed in doubles against Bent and Leo McBride of Canada. See the Bulletin Board.
Talking with the new champ
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Tournament Director Tim King chats with the winner of the Women's World Championship of Golf Croquet in Cairo on the morning after the final. See People.
Golf Croquet Women's World Cairo, November 16 - 21
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Judith Hanekom of South Africa defeated Jenny Clarke of New Zealand in the fifth game of the best-of-five final match. See the Bulletin Board.
Interviewing Jeff Soo
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Croquet's all-time leader in American-rules national titles believes he hasn't peaked yet as a player. See People.
USCA Seniors & Masters Palm Beach, November 11-16
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Peter Just defeated Dick Bracket in the Seniors final, while Fred Jones took the Masters trophy for the fifth time; and the Bobs were triumphant in doubles. See the Bulletin Board.
USCA Selection Eights
Palm Beach, Oct 23-26
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The usual suspects have gathered in five graded groups of eight to round-robin twice at the National Croquet Center. See the Bulletin Board.
USCA National Championships West Palm Beach, Oct 5-11
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Rothman nailed down another singles trophy, while Soo and Lamm dispatched McBride and van Tassel in doubles. See the Bulletin Board.
The Secs-Gen vote is in!
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The lopsided vote resembles actual official voting even more than expected. We include with the numbers various comments both voters and non--voters sent in. See the Forum.
Battle of the Secs-Gen
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Highlights of the bruising debate, blow by nasty blow, are reproduced in streamlined fashion from the Nottingham Board, to better enable you, the reader, to vote on who actually won: Chris Clarke or Stephen Mulliner. See Letters & Opinion.
The USA Hard-court Eight
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The official name of the event was the Pasadena Invitational, but the idea was generated by US players stung by their drubbing in Christchurch at the quadrennial MacRob in January, and the eight players invited were mostly present or former International team members. See News & Features.
Golf Croquet Update
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It's still working--for local clubs and resort communities, if not for the USCA; and the Management Committee is determined to find a way for this recipe to work out for everyone. See The Game.
The truth according to Jaques |
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For a 200-year-old company, it's doing fine; but after dropping their Eclipse ball and failing to adapt the newest materials and technology in making mallets, it's clear that Jaques is more interested in producing games than sporting equipment. See the London Telegraph.
Croquet's Bibliographer
David Drazin 1931 - 2014
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One of the most generous spirits in croquet--both a gentleman and a scholar--died the first of May, 2014, at his home in England. See People.
Easter Picture Story
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The resurrection of nature can be celebrated with cakes, bonnets, and croquet....and with cakes elaborately decorated to resemble croquet and bonnets, and... See People.
USCA AC Nationals
California, April 7-12
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Jeff Soo, playing with Brian Cumming, lost doubles to Abdelwahab and Bennnett but prevailed in singles against former champion Ben Rothman, taking two in two straight games. See the Bulletin Board.
Creating CroquetScores.com |
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In this interview with its Australian founder Tim Murphy, the IT specialist talks about the continuous development of his ground-breaking website and the effect a 2012 stoke has had on his life and career. See Game.
USCA National Club Teams March 8-18, West Palm Beach
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The National Croquet Center's hometown advantage with 11 teams won them the Lyons Trophy, but the West River and New York croquet clubs won the individual trophies. See the American Bulletin Board.
Will downtown croquet work?
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When the young people seduced in Adelaide's Victoria Square "try out" croquet on regulation SACA headquarters lawns and either join or not, we'll know how big a story this is. In The Game.
The ideal Golf Croquet mallet
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Egyptian-made mallets are exclusively for Golf Croquet. An American maker has now adapted their design parameters to his two Golf Croquet mallets. See The Game.
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Gail Arkley's second in a series of three essays gives us intimate insights into the trials, triumphs, and sacrifices of the non-playing spouse of a competitor. See Letters & Opinion.
MacRob in New Zealand
Dec 30 - Jan 15, 2014
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New Zealand's on-paper advantage held up on their home courts, as they won the Shield in the final test against England, with Australia third and USA fourth. See the Bulletin Board.
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The wife of a croquet player delivers her perspective on croquet's premiere color, choosing her courtside costume, and the consequent evolution of her personal aesthetic. See Letters & Opinion.
USCA Seniors & Masters
Palm Beach, Nov 3-7, 2013
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Mike Zuro of Chicago and local player "Mac" MacDermott each won top trophies in both singles and doubles in their divisions among the 22 awarded. See the American Bulletin Board.
The slo-mo revolution
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The hand-held slow-motion camera, allowing one to see clearly and unequivocally what actually happened, could be the most significant advance in refereeing in a century. In The Game.
Art collection goes online
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Tremaine Arkley gave what may be the biggest croquet art collection ever amassed to the University of British Columbia. Here's a small part of it. See UBC website.
USCA Rules Championships
November 10-17, California
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Jeff Soo emerged as the big winner, taking doubles with partner Rich Lamm and sweeping to a best-of-three victory in singles. Bulletin Board.
Chatting with Danny and Ben
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Courtside at the Selection Eights, the two top-ranked American players talked about their professional goals, the American International Team, and the future of the sport. See People.
How is croquet branded?
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For more than a century, print advertisements for a host of products have used croquet as visual shorthand to suggest certain qualities which our sport does not possess. See News & Features.
The French exit interview
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Martin French spent 34 months inventing, streamlining, and managing the sometimes cumbersome processes of the World Croquet Federation as Secretary-General, and now it's Stephen Mulliner's turn. See People.
Solomon Trophy: England vs US
England, August 6-9
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An overwhelming powerful British team piled up 17 matches to the Americans' four. See the Bulletin Board for complete final results.
Backyard Revival
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The game may still be languishing, but the nine-wicket setting is an increasing presence in the backyard of the world's largest croquet facility. See The Game.
Mind over mallet
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A croquet-playing neurologist examines the neureopsychological aspects of your own game influencing play and limiting your success on the court. See Letters & Opinion.
Charles Jones killer convicted
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A Thai court has sentenced the Syrian murderer of the former president of the World Croquet Federation in 2011 to nine years in prison. See Stuff.co.nz.
India reinvents the sport
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The croquet courts of the maharajas are either gone or recycled at heritage hotels, so 21st century croquet has found a broader base among students in 11 states. See News & Features.
How women miss the mark
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If more Kiwi and Aussie women rank higher than their northern hemisphere counterparts, two British players in the first Association Croquet World Championship for Women say it may be because their national associations support their development. See Letters & Opinion.
Stueber Open Purse Event
Feb 22-24 - West Palm Beach
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Attorney Stuart Lawrence and USCA president Johnny Mitchell win the big cash at what is suddenly the biggest purse event in America. See the Bulletin Board.
Golf Croquet World Teams!
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Filmed at the first Golf Croquet World Teams Championship in Johannesburg, this sponsored half-hour television report pioneers a new era of public awareness for the sport. See Youtube.
Centennial New Zealand Open
January 19-27, Christchurch
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Toby Garrison defeated Aaron Westerby in three long games on a super-fast lawn at United Croquet Club. See Bulletin Board.
Bamford on the winning edge
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The content of this long talk by multiple world champion Reg Bamford is about croquet, but the mental attitude applies to any sport. Video by Duncan Hector.
Chuck Steuber Open Champs
West Palm Beach - Feb 22-24
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In its sixth year, this singles tournament breaks new ground, played for the first time by both Association laws and American rules over just three days, with a huge cash purse. See the Bulletin Board.
Partnering Louis Jourdan
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The place was the Breakers in Palm Beach, the period was the early nineties, the opponents were Jack Osborn and Herb Swope, and nothing short of total victory would do. See People.
USCA Golf Croquet Nationals
Mission Hills, Dec 11-15
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After winning doubles, club pro Ben Rothman took singles as well by beating his partner Sherif Abdelwahab. See the Bulletin Board.
What I did for love
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Managing a lawn in the public domain could require more than political savvy; you may have to resort to prayer and criminal cunning. In News & Features.
Golf Croquet World Teams
Johannesburg - Nov 15-Dec 2
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Egypt squeaked out a 7-6 Finals victory over a spunky New Zealand team to win the world's first Golf Croquet world teams event. See the Bulletin Board.
USCA Seniors & Masters Champs
West Palm Beach, Nov 13-17
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The champions in singles are Mike Gibbons, David McCoy, John Blamire, and Howard Holdsclaw. See the Bulletin Board for details.
USCA Selection 8s
National Croquet Center - Nov 1-4
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It's double-banked dawn-to-dusk Association Croquet on 10 courts of the USA's biggest facility, for 42 players, six of whom make up America's International Team. See the Bulletin Board for details.
Women's World Championship
October 21-28, Melbourne
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New Zealand's Jenny Clarke justified her top-ten world ranking by dominating the first all-women's championship for Association Croquet, without losing a single game. See the Bulletin Board.
USCA American Rules Nationals
National Croquet Center, Oct 15-21
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Ben Rothman takes the top trophies in both singles and doubles, with partner Brian Cumming of Canada. See the Bulletin Board for details.
The Solomon Trophy
October 9-13, North Carolina
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With a final score of 13 to 8, Great Britain reclaimed the Solomon Trophy from the US at Bald Head Island. See the Bulletin Board.
Ohio swings!
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This surprisingly accurate and appropriately superficial story out of Ohio isn't about electoral politics, and its brilliant headline advises the public that the first invitational at the New Albany Country Club is FREE FOR SPECTATORS! See the Columbus Dispatch.
More on "Mega-Centres Update"
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It's all "good news," including new staffing and an expanded menu of memberships at Florida's National Croquet Center, and no denials from the Australia's Victorian Centre. See the Forum.
Frogs and Croquet
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They're both still evolving, but not until this moment in history has a croquet-playing scientist reported the astonishing symbiosis of that process. See Letters & Opinion.
Mega-Centres Update
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Breakthroughs in both Australia and Florida are the focus of this fact-based editorial, surveying the future and finances of the two biggest croquet facilities on the planet. See Letters & Opinion.
Compact Croquet
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When scarcity of time and space prevent simultaneous play of your whole group--whether advanced or novice--reduced courts with adjusted rules are a good solution. See The Game.
The Paris 1900 Olympics fiasco
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The quadrennial games survived, but croquet, spread over seven weeks, did not. The French thus won the only Olympic medals awarded for the sport, as Chris Hudson reports in this CWOM reprint.
British Open Championships
July 7-15, 2012 - Cheltenham
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Reg Bamford came out on top of one of croquet's longest-running rivalries, defeating Rob Fulford and winning the singles trophy for the ninth time. Fulford and Death captured the doubles title. See Bulletin Board.
Croquet in Latvia?
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The tiny Baltic state has made a fast start in building courts, buying heavy equipment, growing membership, joining the WCF, and entering world events. See News & Features.
Archie Peck: 1935-2012
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American croquet's original champion, teacher, and pro at the National Croquet Center died following a long struggle with cancer. See the New York Times.
Croquet World Championship
Adelaide, April 28 - May 6
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Reg Bamford of South Africa retained his title in a closely contested five-game match win over Australia's top player, Robert Fletcher. See the Bulletin Board.
Darkhorse dreams in Adelaide
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Is it possible for an elderly player in the bottom half of the top fifty to win the world championship? Yes, and New Zealand's Dennis Bullock is definitely thinking the right thoughts. From Nelson Mail.
"Serious Croquet" in America
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For decades, it has been an attitude and a way of life in the country club culture of the eastern US, but now it's also an elegant oversized book with striking photographs and poetic text. See News & Features.
Palm Beach, March 14-18, 2012
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Once again, world champion Mark McInerney proves his mettle, leading the Irish team in a narrow victory and winning the biggest individual purse at International Polo Palm Beach. Bulletin Board.
West Palm Beach, March 13-18
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With 120 players, it's the USCA's biggest competition of the Century, and it's only a part of CROQUET WEEK at the National Croquet Center. See the Bulletin Board.
4th Annual Invitational - Feb 22-26
Intl Polo Club, Palm Beach
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The world champion, Mark McInerney of Ireland, defeated former three-time world champion Khaled Younis of Egypt in two games to take the top prize in a very strong field. See the Bulletin Board.
USCA National Championship
Feb 6-11 - Southern California
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Rich Lamm confirmed his championship credentials by adding Association Croquet to the Golf Croquet title he also took at Mission Hills last December. See the Bulletin Board.
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A distinguished panel of top-level players and organizers--Clarke, French, Nel, and Hall--
consider the long-term import of the growing influence of Golf Croquet. See The Game.
New Zealand Open
January 14 - 22, Wanganui
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Greg Bryant defeated Toby Garrison in four games to retain the championship title. See Bulletin Board.
Women's GC World Championship
November 19-26, New Zealand
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Rachel Rowe of England defeated New Zealand's Jenny Clarke 3-2 to become the new women's world champion. See Bulletin Board.
ELLERY: The passing of a patron
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The impact of Ellery McClatchy's support of USCA croquet for three decades can hardly be overestimated. This is our tribute to a gentle, generous, proud and private benefactor. See People.
Gateball goes international
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Australia's national croquet association has sponsored this crowd-pleasing mallet sport's introduction to the English-speaking world. Here's the story and pictures from the 2011 championship. In News & Features.
In the Money
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Cash purses for 2012 Golf Croquet invitationals in South Florida and South Africa rival the numbers in the glory days of American croquet in the 80's. See News & Features.
Egyptian Golf Croquet Open
October 1-6, 2011 - Cairo
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Mohamed Nasr defeats Sherif Nafe 7-2-5-7, 7-4 in the best-of-three finals match. See the Bulletin Board.
A 48-hour game of Golf Croquet
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It's not easy to survive a double lung transplant or set an official world record for the longest golf croquet game. Maggie Cowman has done both. See People.
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Prospecting a new-club start in Liverpool, Hawkins strikes pay-dirt on the third try. Or is it only fool's gold? See News & Features.
Golf Croquet World Championship
July 18-24 - London, England
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Mark McInerney of Ireland ended Egypt's exclusive ownership of the world title by defeating Hisham Aboesbaa 3-0 in the historic best-of-five finals at Hurlingham. See Bulletin Board.
British Open Championships
July 2-10, 2011, London
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Reg Bamford swept the finals, defeating Rob Fulford in singles and with his partner Rutger Beijderwellen posting a straight-games win against David Maugham and Mark Avery in doubles. See the Bulletin Board.
19th Solomon Trophy, England
June 28 - July 1, 2011
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Halfway through the final day, the US team retained the Solomon Trophy by a score of 11 to 6. See the Bulletin Board.
Terrain at the Top
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Keith Wylie and others have proposed "radical" shifts in the game in the past; this proposal is less radical and more practical. See The Game.
The artist in exile
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A politically-generated scandal in 1902 broadened the worldwide stage of the German artist Christian Wilhelm (C.W.) Allers, whose wealthy clients sometimes commissioned croquet-based portraits. People.
WCF Sec-Gen puts up Blogspot
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Before updating the World Croquet Federation website, he has to learn a complex platform. This new and frequently updated Blogspot fills the news-gap and includes room for your comments and questions.
New WCF Secretary-General named
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Martin French of England succeeds Chris Clarke of New Zealand in the key administrative role of croquet's world body. See Bulletin Board Forum.
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The U.S. Croquet Association showcases on November 6-7 the most evolved Golf Croquet Exhibition Series yet developed by the national sports organization, soon to be duplicated all around the country. News & Features.
Over 50 World Championship
October 8-15, Cairo
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Hisham Abouesbaa defeated Englishman Stephen Mulliner in a riveting 5-game duel that preserves Egyptian supremacy, just barely, in the game that is revolutionizing the sport of croquet. See the Bulletin Board.
Clarke resigns WCF post
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After less than six months as Secretary-General, Chris Clarke cites difficulty in dealing with the Management Committee and inability to achieve sufficient results for the time invested. See the Bulletin Board.
Roque on the verge of extinction
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Once the mallet game for the masses, it's crowded out by Gateball on the plebeian end and croquet on the refined end, surviving, just barely, as a museum piece. Linked from ESPN Sports.
World Teams & MacRobertson
August 5 - 22 - England
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The United Kingdom narrowly bested New Zealand to retain the Shield, while Wales, Scotland, and the Czech Republic won in the lower divisions. See the Bulletin Board.
Cracking Croquet
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This story by a USCA player of American croquet's evolution includes good links, seldom-reported facts, and an informed point of view. See TAKI magazine.
Hawkins book released by Crowood
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In 174 uniquely illustrated pages, it leads players from the rudiments of break play all the way to the esoterica of advanced Association tactics and strategy. In The Game Department.
Jerry Stark remembered
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The long-time pro and much-beloved anchor of the USCA International team died in California on May 19, 2010. See the Forum
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Brian Storey's resignation and the swift appointment of Chris Clarke raises speculations confirmed by CROQUET WORLD in this breaking story. See the Bulletin Board Forum.
17 WCF Member Nations
to Compete in World Teams
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The milestone event is the first-ever Association Croquet World Team Championship, concurrent with the MacRobertson Shield. See the Bulletin Board.
3rd Women's Golf Croquet
WCF World Championship
November 21-28, Victoria
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Alix Verge of Australia threatens Egyptian dominance of Golf Croquet by toppling reigning women's champion Iman Elfaransawi in stunning 3-2 finals. See Bulletin Board.
Diane Blow 1936-2009 A founding benefactor
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The croquet family loses an accomplished, beloved and generous member - in People
WCF Under 21 Golf Croquet
Cairo, Egypt - July 18-23, 2009
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World-class Golf Croquet comes of age as a Kiwi triumphs on Egyptian soil in a strong field of young players from many countries. See the Bulletin Board.
Croquet comes to college
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The University of Oregon blazes a trail for a sport that adds a huge portion of "mental" to "physical" in the Physical Education curriculum - in The Game.
Playing Gateball in Japan
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A British croquet player transplanted in Japan reports on the spreading popularity of the miniaturized hoop-and-ball game from the country that started the buzz - in The Game.
Croquet in China?
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With the rapid emergence of China's affluent class, the growth of first-rate croquet facilities is inevitable, and the World Croquet Federation is planting the seeds - in News & Features.
The China Diary
Oct 22-27, 2008 - Shanghai
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WCF president David Openshaw, with Amir Ramsis and Khalid Younis, demonstrate the sport in a high-level four-day conference in Shanghai. See Openshaw's diary updates on the Bulletin Board.
European Championship
September 19-21 - Jersey
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For the tenth time, Stephen Mulliner of England won the top trophy, defeating Simon Williams of Ireland 2-1 in the best-of-three final. See the Bulletin Board.
Chuck Steuber 1920 - 2008
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The magnificent legacy of the National Croquet Center's founder and guiding spirit has yet to be fully realized - in People.
Croquet in Norway
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One of its principal organizers reports that the sport of croquet is firmly rooted in the land of the midnight sun, and growing - in News & Features.
2008 revisions in the laws
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Consequential changes in the play of Association Croquet are outlined and explained, with pointers to the precise wording and interpretations in the new edition - in The Game.
Golf Croquet World Championship
March 8-16, Capetown
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Nasr defeats Bamford to retain world title for Egypt. See the Bulletin Board.
WCF World Championship Feb 2-10, 2008 - Christchurch
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Chris Clarke won the title for the second time by defeating fellow Brit Stephen Mulliner. See the New Zealand Bulletin Board.
Herb Swope, Jr. - 1915-2008
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The USCA's strongest link to its Gatsby era roots has passed away. See his Croquet World's 2005 interview..
Introducing the "Book of Puzzlers"
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These situations in American Rules croquet put you in the shoes of the player who has to decide what to do next - quickly! Can you figure out the right answer? - in The Game.
Australian Open Championships
Melbourne, Nov 2-11, 2007
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Bruce Fleming trounces Paddy Chapman 3-0 to win the singles title. See the Bulletin Board.

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