Croquet Books Give-Away!
A wealthy croquet enthusiast has worked hard for several years to develop and test refinements for the relatively fast-moving games now increasingly favored by croquet club members, and has recruited some top-level help in refining, testing, perfecting, and distributing them. These are NEW BOOKS, newly developed and well tested by top-ranked players at the USCA's National Croquet Center. This announcement is addressed to serious croquet players around the world via croquet's Nottingham Board.
Croquet Genesis
"Ten Years of the Open" is the way Mike Orgill titled this piece, published in the 1993 San Francisco Open tournament program. We agreed it was a work of genius, from the long-ago when croquet really was "the fastest growing sport in America."
Croquet in the time of Covid
With three lawns and regulations limiting lawn capacity to four players, club innovators are designing events that fit into the space and time allotted; the plan at Tunbridge Wells features shorter games, for everyone.
Quantifying Golf Croquet
With the Cowing Performance Analysis tool an improving player can continue to progress in Golf Croquet by measurable increments in practice, and in tournament results.
Quadways in America
This remarkable hoop system is now accessible to top players everywhere, so the question now becomes: Will it see widespread adoption in local clubs around the world?
Synthetic surfaces
in New Zealand
Chris and Jenny Clarke try out a new artificial court in a Christchurch retirement community that plays well, even for jump shots.
GC or AC:
A peace proposal
The global schism between Golf Croquet and Association Croquet endangers the future of the sport; a radical interim solution is proposed.
The story of deadness
After decades of scholarship, research, academic reports, and speculation on the subject, a magazine writer brings together all the elements into a rationally conjectured complete narrative.
Backyard genesis story
A typical and absolutely unique happenstance in Colorado sparks the creation of a croquet club on "found turf" in the desert.
Slow-motion video refereeing
It's still in the trial-and-discussion phase, but one American Rules tournament has found it surprisingly useful and easy to do.
"Aussie Croquet" catching on?
A surge of popularity in the new game has led to further clarification in the rules and the first club championship, in North Carolina.
No national association sanctions it, but its popularity is growing, and we can explain why.
The out player
The self-described mascot of the losing British players at the recent world teams discovers an added element of entertainment in one of the world's slowest sports.
Re-Languaging the rules
The merging of two separate streams of development in the 80's created a polyglot of persisting differences in Golf Croquet and Association Croquet.
How old is "too old"?
Statistically, it's just a number. Individually, most aging champions continue to compete in events that test not only their skill but also their motivation and endurance.
Reading Lord Tollemache's Croquet
Mike Orgill pays tribute to a Brit who epitomized Edwardian croquet, advocated controversial changes in the game, and penned the definitive croquet book of his time.
Painting the boundaries
The shift from string to paint not even imagined in North America just a few years ago is now gaining national momentum.
History of Golf Croquet
Ray Hall compiles existing English-language sources and adds new details in a still-incomplete account to encourage more research.
The First Sextuple
The legendary John Prince of New Zealand describes the first one ever done in competition, more than 15 months before Wylie wowed the British with his own.
Golf Croquet Update
It's still working--for local clubs and resort communities, if not for the USCA; and the Management Committee is determined to find a way for this recipe to work out for everyone.
Creating CroquetScores.com
In this interview with its Australian founder Tim Murphy, the IT specialist talks about the continuous development of his ground-breaking website and the effect a 2012 stoke has had on his life and career.
Building the Croquet Court
With plenty of land and no club close by, it seems like a great idea. Gail Arkley reports from Oregon.
Will downtown croquet work?
When the young people seduced in Adelaide's Victoria Square "try out" croquet on regulation SACA headquarters lawns and either join or not, we'll know how big a story this is.
The ideal Golf Croquet mallet
Egyptian-made mallets are exclusively for Golf Croquet. An American maker has now adapted their design parameters to his two Golf Croquet mallets.
The slo-mo revolution
The hand-held slow-motion camera, allowing one to see clearly and unequivocally what actually happened, could be the most significant advance in refereeing in a century.
Backyard Revival
The game may still be languishing, but the nine-wicket setting is an increasing presence in the backyard of the world's largest croquet facility.
Compact Croquet
When scarcity of time and space prevent simultaneous play of your whole group--whether advanced or novice--reduced courts with adjusted rules are a good solution.
A distinguished panel of top-level players and organizers--Clarke, French, Nel, and Hall-- consider the long-term import of the growing influence of Golf Croquet.
Terrain at the Top
Keith Wylie and others have proposed "radical" shifts in the game in the past; this proposal is less radical and more practical.
Croquet in Denmark: How do they do it?
In a country of scarcely more than five million, more than 5,000 pay annual dues to a national association, and 220 clubs compete locally, regionally, and nationally.
Hawkins book released by Crowood
In 174 uniquely illustrated pages, it leads players from the rudiments of break play all the way to the esoterica of advanced Association tactics and strategy.
Origins of croquet reconsidered
In the year of Darwin, the likely evolutionary paths of modern croquet are traced, along with the footprints of its more primitive cousins.
Croquet comes to college
The University of Oregon blazes a trail for a sport that adds a huge portion of "mental" to "physical" in the Physical Education curriculum.
Playing Gateball in Japan
A British croquet player transplanted in Japan reports on the spreading popularity of the miniaturized hoop-and-ball game from the country that started the buzz.
2008 revisions in the laws
Consequential changes in the play of Association Croquet are outlined and explained, with pointers to the precise wording and interpretations in the new edition.
Introducing the "Book of Puzzlers"
These situations in American Rules croquet put you in the shoes of the player who has to decide what to do next - quickly! Can you figure out the right answer?
New American Rules clarify many issues
Stuart Lawrence outlines the import and much of the rationale behind the substantive changes made in the new 2006 revision of the American Rules, taking effect in late November.
Is the game too easy?
A strong case is made for changes in both American and "Association" play, but don't expect them any time soon.
When mallet hits ball
The science of physics reveals all the elements of the perfect stroke
coming together at the moment of impact.
Basic break play
It's the essence of croquet and the title of this chapter from Geoffrey
Naylor's new book "Play Better Croquet"
NEVER! Well, hardly ever
An obscure Ozzie coach spells out the thirteen things you should NEVER do
in International Rules play.
Referees - where are we going?
Australia's national referee examines the role of this official in both
mundane and elite-level play and makes some modest proposals
The Willis Setting
The shape of the modern court was first proposed in 1904, amidst heated debate on many "remedies" for making the game more difficult and interactive. |