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In the beginning Though it has been suggested that Golf Croquet was invented as a practice game for Association Croquet, the reality is that it was invented, in the 1890s, as a garden party game. Initially it was promoted as a commercial enterprise and this still happens. The most recent version I have seen is labeled Crolf, using light mallets, small balls and four-pronged hoops. I have no doubt that there are many such; some are in the Bibliography (1).
...though few gardens are not provided with an ordinary four-handed Lawn Tennis ground, it can be adapted to a lawn of almost any size and shape.The layout is given in the diagram on the next page. The aim is to play a single ball through each hoop hitting the relevant post as one goes, in as few strokes as possible. The same game is introduced in The Graphic of 4 September 1897, thus: Of late the parties given at the big houses in Dorsetshire and some of the adjoining counties have occasionally had among the amusements provided for guests the new game of "Croquet-golf" which has been thought out, brought into practical working and fully protected by patent and registration by Major-General R H Truell CB of Onslow near Wimborne. A photograph in The Graphic, of an attractive party in Wimborne, is taken from the finishing end but is of too low resolution to reproduce here. The article goes on to proclaim an important matter for the hostess: Croquet has become scientific and serious even to tediousness and lawn tennis is far too violent exercise for all but the most enthusiastic. It is claimed that the game is brisker and more energetic than the former and does not involve the flannels and exertion of the latter, while it shows off pretty gowns to advantage, promotes friendliness and even flirtation, and keeps people moving; all of which things the wise hostess regards as important. Although The Graphic states that Major General Truell had patented and registered the game, I failed to find it from a search through the patent records. Ayres simply manufactured and sold the equipment. A similar game is described in The Games of Lawn Hockey, Tether Ball, Squash Ball, Golf-Croquet (New York: American Sports Publishing Company, ca 1900). This came to light just after publication of The Bibliography (3) but I discovered a digital copy. This game evidently has golfing origins:
"Golf-Croquet is designed to utilize the favorite strokes of drives in golf, but on a moderate sized lawn. The controlling features of the game are: First-A good estimation of distance and force required to cover that distance. Second-Accuracy in driving a ball over the grass or lifting it through the air to clear obstacles." The game is described for an irregular garden lawn (evidently New York lacked ordinary four-handed Lawn Tennis grounds) but the playing diagram is similar to the one below. The course on any lawn or field depends on the shape of the place, and is marked, first, by wickets or arches, similar to those used in croquet, and second, by numbered flags. ... the wickets..must face [the] centre, as all shots made through wickets are towards the centre....
and, as for the equipment: The mallets designed for the game are different from the croquet mallets, having longer handles and a bevel so arranged on one end of the mallet that it will lift the ball clear of the turf, and drive it in the direction of the prolongation of the axis of the mallet head.... The balls used are of wood, 2 inches in diameter, light and tough, the object being to get force and speed without much momentum and to be sure that they will float. In the following year a different game, still named Croquet-Golf, is described in Country Life (4). It starts in a similar manner to The Graphic:
Some good genius, bored, as we may imagine without difficulty, by the scientific length and monotony of modern croquet, has invented a modification of the game, called croquet-golf, that is amusing enough and has merits as a pastime which croquet has not. It is not, to be sure, a classical game. It is a modern hybrid, but it passes the summer hours away without the vexation of spirit that has been known to attend croquet and is not unheard of at golf. Thereafter, it is totally recognisable as Golf-Croquet, even to the extent of introducing a precursor of the half-way law: ... if blue were in the jaws of the hoop for which it was bound, and yellow, whose turn it was to play, had no chance of knocking blue from this position, then obviously it would be yellow's best plan to get position for the next hoop, giving up this one as hopeless. But these stratagems are distinctly forbidden, as tending to introduce an element that is "not golf" into the game. The layout was the standard AC layout of the day, though the start was in the centre of the court, since it was necessary to hit the starting peg (the standard AC start was one foot in front of hoop one till 1905). What we do not know is whether this is an obvious adaptation of the Ayres game to the shape and layout of the croquet lawn, with a change of name, or whether there was some other, as yet undiscovered, inventor. Development and consolidation Early references in The Croquet Association Gazette are in advertisements and brief reports of informal events held at official tournaments in 1912. The game seems to have achieved instant popularity, and was played according to rules compiled by Robert Leetham Jones (5), Mr JEH Lomas (6) and "Professor C-S"(7), who were widely recognised as authorities on the tactics of the game. But who exactly invented the game, and how, or when, the name changed from croquet-golf are still unclear. The name had definitely changed by 1913, when Horace Crowther Smith (8) produced How to win at Golf Croquet (A126). It is quite a small book, and much of the space taken up by variant court sizes and layouts. All the same, it constitutes a perfectly good introduction to the nature and tactics of the game as we know it. Of particular interest, in view of later development, is Crowther Smith's view of the jump-shot, which he regards as one of the more exciting procedures, and he inveighed against club secretaries who prohibited it as likely to damage the lawn. One wonders who had been playing in the preceding twelve years to develop tactics, and provide a market for this sort of book, but there must have been many who felt the game had competitive possibilities. The 1930s and official laws In 1932 Crowther Smith published a much larger volume The Art of Croquet (A150), and in 1936 a further volume The Art of Golf Croquet (A153), still relatively slim. This implies that there must have been further interest, no doubt in clubs rather than country houses. In addition to manufacture and sale of croquet and sports equipment, generally, F H Ayres was a keen croquet player (9). In 1933 he proposed to the CA Council that the GC rules be standardised. The Council were unanimously of the opinion that they should accept responsibility for standardizing the game. This task was referred to the Laws Committee under its chairman Sir Francis Colchester-Wemyss(10). The draft considered by the Laws Committee was prepared by Godfrey Turner (11). In December 1933 the CA Council approved new GC laws and so they were printed in the 1934 Directory, and continued to be printed with the laws until after 1998. The laws, as thus printed (12), consist of only two pages plus a third dealing with handicaps. Most paragraphs were written explicitly as modifications of the AC laws, and differ from the current laws in that they prohibit the jump-shot, require the ball to run a hoop in a single pass (i.e. no jawsing); and have only a primitive version of the half-way law. Egypt and modern developments
Egypt is of unique interest, since GC is known to have been played in "rest-houses" of the irrigation authority, public works and public health administrations, as well as those of Banks and cotton ginning mills. It also existed in the courtyards of prominent British officials where games were played amongst family members and friends. The Gazette of 14 April 1921 describes an AC tournament held in March 1921 at the Al-Guezira (13) Sporting Club in Cairo, states that it was the first tournament since 1914, and that the Club now had six lawns. In the Thirties GC was introduced into schools and clubs. The game at that time was played as now (with Willis setting) except that, in case of a 6/6 draw, the peg would be contested rather than hoop 13. Matters developed more quickly after 1952 when most foreign nationals left the country, so that Egyptian nationals increasingly took to the sport. Croquet equipment was manufactured locally, and AC appears to have been dropped. The Egyptians developed the game (known just as "Croquet") more competitively than elsewhere. There were expert, athletic players, competing vigorously, and bookmakers accepted betting on games between the best players. This was largely unreported in the UK, other than a mention in 1989 by Geoff Roy, a croquet playing BA pilot who, on a rest day, had been to the Gezirah Club and saw GC being played. However, in 1995 Chris Hudson, then Secretary-General of the World Croquet Federation, was invited by the Egyptian Croquet Association to visit Cairo to teach them Association Croquet. He saw how well they played Golf Croquet and concluded that something should be done about a World Championship. Thus, in 1996 Chris Hudson organised a WCF Golf Croquet World Championship in Milan, using the existing CA laws. This first World Championship was a great success; the Egyptians dominated, with Khaled Younis winning from Hisham Abousbaa. A players' meeting agreed that the next championships should be in 1997 in Egypt using Egyptian rules. This, too, was dominated by the Egyptians and a Golf Croquet Working Party was commissioned to translate the Egyptian rules into English. The next championship was held in England (Leamington Spa) in October 1998 and the second edition of the WCF Rules of Golf Croquet, allowing jump shots, was published in time for the fourth World Championships, held in Cairo in 2000. A new edition of the WCF Rules of Golf Croquet was published in 2005 for the first Women's World Championship (Cairo) and formed the basis of a complete change for the CA. The CA third edition (2008 with gold cover) was a result of further discussion through the WCF and was used in the 2009 WCF World Championship held in the UK. Now the 4th edition (2014, green) of the WCF rules has adopted the WCF "rules" terminology.
The WCF has also organised a Women's World Championship (from 2005), Under 21 World Championship (2009), and over-50 World Championship (2010). Additionally, a European championship has been competed since 1999. WCF world championships have been held on a roughly semi-annual basis in each of the major Golf Croquet playing countries at least once, including South Africa. A Golf Croquet World Teams event in three divisions has also begun. The WCF Ten-Year Calendar shows that all these events are intended to be regularly scheduled throughout the world. In the year 2011, a non-Egyptian first captured the world championship. Mark MacInerney of Ireland made that breakthrough, and he was followed in 2013 by Reg Bamford, croquet's first "double champion" in both Association Croquet and Golf Croquet. In 2015, however, Ahmed Mahdi regained the title for Egypt.
In the same period, non-Egyptian women broke through to world championship status, first the Australian Alix Verge, then the Englishwoman Rachel Rowe, and most recently the South African Judith Hanekom in 2014. While both Egyptian men and women continue to crowd the top of the world rankings, Amir Ramsis, president of the both the Egyptian Federation and the World Croquet Federation, has observed that the achievement of so many non-Egyptian champions around the world is a significant milestone for both the game of Golf Croquet and the sport. As of April 2015, it's clear that Golf Croquet has become a major and expanding part of the overall sport in every member country of the World Croquet Federation.
1 CROQUET: A Bibliography 1999, edited by David Drazin
About the author:
Ray Hall discovered croquet in his 40s, getting to a decent, though not spectacular, handicap just before he was 50 at the Harrow Oak Club, where David Drazin also played. Progress was halted by a shoulder injury, but picked up again, with a new Club (Dulwich) and new grip (Solomon) ten years later. Having moved out of London he now plays at Sussex County (aka Southwick) and has refereed at the 2011 World GC Championship and the WCF 2014 AC team championship (division 2.2) as well as coaching and managing tournaments from time to time. His first croquet publication was a Centenary History of the Dulwich Croquet Club (2012) in the preparation of which he noted that GC was badly served by the historians. The present work is the initial result and hard copy of the first edition can be obtained from Southwick; readers can expect further findings soon in the English Croquet Gazette.
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