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Fine-tuned analysis will improve your shots The Cowing Performance Analysis (CPA) tool is a simple analysis grid which can be used by coaches and trainers employing pie charts and other notational elements to assess performance of an individual Golf Croquet player. By engaging improving Golf Croquet players in the process, they can understand how small adjustments in their playing style can incrementally improve their results. The players will identify - both on the graph or chart and on the lawn, in play - the strokes they are able to adjust and which strokes they should focus on most in their practice sessions. They will also understand how these quantified small adjustments can improve their tactical results. By enabling players to understand that a game of Golf Croquet - even at the highest level - is never perfect, players inclined towards perfectionism can be further empowered in their training. In early 2019 I spent several months in England on a sabbatical from my role as a lecturer in sport science at the University of Canterbury. Much of my time was spent exploring the structure and evolution of the croquet Pods. (A Pod is a small community of keen croquet players who meet regularly with a coach and work together to improve their skills in a specific area of croquet. The Pods were introduced for Association Croquet by Ian Burridge as the English Croquet Association's International Performance Director and are supported by sets of documentation which help the coaches provide two- to three-hour self-contained sessions in skills and/or tactics. The Golf Croquet Pods came later, and have evolved separately, with individual Pod coaches preparing their own coaching materials, and generously sharing those with other coaches.) Introducing Performance Analysis This article intends to shed some light on a simple but very elegant and effective performance analysis tool created by Andrew Cowing as part of a Golf Croquet pod. The aim of the article is to explain how the Cowing Performance Analysis (CPA) tool can be used to improve Golf Croquet game results and to assess shot-making performance in Golf Croquet for improving players of any rank.
The best funded organisations (rugby and soccer, to name two) pay well for fully coded analyses returned by professional companies within hours of the end of the game, while during the same games their in-house performance analysts code only critical moments in real time for coaches and to provide half-time video highlights.
Live streaming of elite croquet events has also recently become more common, bringing performance analysis in top level croquet tantalisingly close to reality. Helping coaches coach croquet Croquet as a sport lacks the funding and infrastructure to use the full power of video analysis and the expensive industry-standard coding software, as well as the personnel to record full games and code each moment of action. But what croquet does have right now is a base of beginner and aspiring-to-improve players at various levels, from club to state/county to international level, all of them with a growing desire to gain advantage through coaching - which can include technical, tactical and psychological help.
Further, in the niche sport of croquet, players often become 'elite' croquet coaches simply by virtue of being the best available player or a local top level player, not necessarily through having any specific understanding of how to coach. Very often this leads to croquet instruction as a rather direct delivery, in which the coach instructs, demonstrates and generally encourages players to adopt the 'correct' technique and approach to play. The bread and butter of the University of Canterbury's coaching degree programme is an "athlete-centred approach", aimed at developing players who learn through structured activities or modified games, thinking and questioning the activities they are engaged in, and reflecting on their learning.
The Cowing Performance Analysis tool can be used to support coaching in all of these areas. Exactly what is this tool, and how does it work? The CPA tool works by classifying every stroke played by an individual in a game of Golf Croquet on the basis of the intended outcome of the stroke; assessing whether the stroke was successful or not, and displaying the results in a series of pie charts or graphs. As an effective coaching tool, it is useful to have three to four players, with two playing a normal game of Golf Croquet, and the other one or two acting as "analysts" and assessing each stroke. Initially it is useful to have one analyst following one player, but the analysis task is very easy, and it quickly becomes possible for one analyst to use separate columns on the grid below to assess both players in a game of Golf Croquet at the same time. The CPA tool starts with a simple notational analysis grid - a list, in rows, of strokes that might be played in a Golf Croquet game, and two columns: "Success", "Fail". An example grid is shown here:
The rows in the version most commonly used are: POSITIONING: hitting the striker’s ball with the intention that it lands on a pre-chosen spot. CLEARING (under 7 yards): hitting an opponent ball away with a stroke which starts less than 7 yards from the striker's ball. CLEARING (7 yards and over): hitting an opponent ball away from a longer distance. HOOPING: attempting to hit the striker’s ball through a hoop to score a hoop point. STOP SHOT: a shot played where two balls are less than 2 yards apart and the striker hits their ball with the intention that striker's ball will stop almost immediately on contact with the attacked ball, which travels a significant distance away. JUMP SHOTS: causing the striker's ball to jump over another ball or a hoop to achieve a certain goal - generally to score a hoop, but not always. JAWSING: deliberately playing the striker's ball into the jaws of a hoop. UN-JAWSING: hitting an opponent ball out of the jaws of a hoop. BLOCKING: playing a positional stroke which blocks an opponent ball, generally to prevent it either clearing another ball or running a hoop. IN-OFFS: playing a stroke where an opponent ball is hit away from the hoop and the striker's own ball scores the hoop. OTHER: this row is for strokes that don't occur very often and aren't easily classified into one of the notated strokes. For any strokes classified as "other" a note should be added to explain what was intended to happen in that stroke. 'Other' can be used, for example, for hitting partner ball to rush it into hoop-running position. The analyst must classify every stroke into exactly one box - e.g. "Hooping - successful", or "Jawsing - unsuccessful". The use of the "other" box is discouraged except when no other category can easily be used. Since the tool has been developed to assess in-game performance, the analyst must not communicate with the players, for example to check on the actual intent of a given stroke, as that would interfere with the concentration of the player and potentially influence the gameplay. That's all that is required to gather the performance analysis data for the game. Several people have produced analyses of croquet performance in the past. Michael Wright (New Zealand) produced spreadsheets of success/fail in MacRobertson Shield competitions (Association Croquet World Team Championship) for shooting at balls at different distances - mainly collated from text commentaries. Others have used similar tools to the CPA for notational analysis. What is new here is the way in which Andrew Cowing used this tool for coaching improving players and how it has evolved to be used to also assess elite play.
How to code games The grid is simple - for each stroke, the analyst must make their best judgement of the intent of the player and decide if the player was successful, or unsuccessful, in achieving that stroke. Having done this, a mark is added to the box that corresponds to that assessment. At the end of the game the number of marks in each box is counted, and we now have data to carry out a full analysis of the game. For example, we can determine the proportion of strokes in the game where jump strokes were attempted, the proportion of failed attempts at playing a ball into the jaws of the hoop, and how many strokes in total were successful in the game.
For relative beginner and high handicap (9 or 10 handicap and over) players, the under/over number should be 4 yards. All players should be aspiring to hit a target ball less than 4 yards away, and it is useful to assess in-game accuracy improvement at this range. Over 4 yards is a serious challenge to many players. The method found to be most useful with this tool is to separate the distances into: "should hit" and "would like to hit but it's ok to miss sometimes". For strong improving and elite players, 7 yards - the shortest distance from the boundary to the outer four hoops - produces the best results for under/over clearance data. It should also be noted that the act of classifying a stroke as "successful" is not necessarily hit/miss - it is whether the clearance can be regarded as producing a result favourable to the striker or not. A clearance that hits but only moves the target ball a short distance will often be regarded as a failure.
From here there are two paths to explore. The first is pure performance analysis - simply analysing the results of the game and generating numbers which can be used to assess the performance of the player. The second path explores how this tool provides benefits promoted by modern coaching theories in engaging and empowering players to take control of their own learning and decision-making: essentially, developing thinking players. Getting the numbers - expert analysts The reliability and consistency by which each stroke is assessed is likely to be improved with both experience from frequent use of the performance analysis tool, and also with greater expertise in the game. That is, an experienced analyst would be expected to produce very similar results when coding a game, and then repeating the coding of the identical game some days or weeks later. While tactical differences in style between the analyst and the player will have some influence on how strokes are assessed, this is likely to introduce only a small error or bias in the overall analysis. Several research studies have shown that having someone the player respects as an expert code their game may lead some players to have more respect for their results and their interpretation. Having the coach, or an "expert analyst", perform the game coding might therefore make the CPA more effective as a direct coaching tool for elite players or for scouting opposition, and may offer some insight into the more complex and generally more tactical interaction of doubles play. Another benefit for a player of having his or her games analysed with the CPA tool is that with the analysis a much more objective understanding can be gained of the game that has been played. Someone analysing a game using an analysis tool such as the CPA is likely to observe and identify facts that may not have been otherwise noticed. For example, in the second semi-final game of the 2019 British Open singles between Peter Dowd and John-Paul Moberly there was a distinct moment in the game where, after achieving most strokes attempted in the game, two of Peter's shots were unsuccessful. Both his confidence and his form, as evidenced by his body language and subsequent shot choices, substantially deteriorated. This was obvious to the analyst, who noted that suddenly more of Peter's shots were ending up in the "failed" column, but this time-related change in performance isn't visible in the final analysis grid. Understanding potential change-points in their own game gives players a strong cue to engage psychological tools to ensure their performance doesn't plummet and to maintain their competitiveness in the game. Understanding when moments such as this occur also gives the coach an opportunity to work with their player on developing mental toughness and strategies to enable them to refocus and reapply that pressure after a brief lull. Player analysts develop thinking players In the Pods conducted by Cowing, and more recently in a workshop conducted with the highly motivated local youth players and a number of other very keen local players at the United Croquet Club in Christchurch, the players themselves took on roles as analysts. Players were separated into groups of four, with two players initially playing a game of Golf Croquet (often competing for a small prize to encourage full effort), and the other pair assigned as analysts. The analysts each took a grid, as described above, and classified each stroke by their nominated player into a row of the grid, and as either 'success' or 'fail'. This is a highly effective coaching tool for the analysts. For players new to using this tool, it is particularly useful when there is an analyst for each player, as the two analysts can sit together and discuss and assess the strokes of their players.
The analysts have to watch each stroke, and commit to a decision as to what the player was attempting to achieve, and whether or not their player was successful in what they attempted. While one could argue that if they were unsure, the analysts could simply ask the player about their intention, this is to be discouraged, as it interrupts the concentration of the player, and also reduces the thinking the analyst needs to do to understand the intent and assess the relative success of the stroke. The slight statistical loss through having the analyst make their own assessment is more than balanced by the learning effect of intently watching a player, observing their technical performance, trying to understand what they were attempting to achieve, and the inevitable moments of the analyst thinking 'hmm, what would I do there?'. Having two analysts coding separate players in a game, but sitting together, enables them to discuss how they would assess each stroke: "Well, he did clear red, but his blue ball went absolutely miles away, and it was an easy shot, do you think that was a success?"
Coding the game of someone of higher ability than oneself can often provide a richer learning experience for the analyst than simply watching the game. However, one must always be mindful of the different tactical options available to players with vastly different skills. For example, when an excellent shot maker is in a high quality match, there may be cases where taking position 5 yards back from a hoop is a success, both tactically and physically, while for a weaker shot this is generally a tactical error, leaving a large space available for the opposition to play in closer to the hoop. Visualising the results At the end of a game, the coded results for a single player might look like those in Table 2 below.
These results alone show a lot of useful information. There were 52 strokes taken in total (the sum of all numbers on the grid), of which 30 were in the column "Success" and 22 were "Fail". Despite this player being enthusiastic about practising jump strokes, none of the 52 strokes played in this game was a jump stroke. Further, while distance from the hoop is not recorded, a clear message from this analysis is that hoop running was very unsuccessful in this game (more on hoop running later). At the top of the grid we see 18 successful positioning strokes - but we cannot immediately determine if this was good or bad - this is where the visual representation of results from the CPA tool are very valuable. Generating graphical information from analysis data After the very player-centred sessions run by Cowing, players were then encouraged to work together to produce their own pie charts showing the percentage of each type of stroke (successful and failed) in the game as a different slice. One or two charts from volunteers were then analysed in a whole-group discussion, and the pie charts were then further separated with the portions of the slices corresponding to unsuccessful and successful strokes for each shot type being identified. In analysis sessions such as this it is very much the leader of the session who sets the tone of how positive and supportive this environment will be, and it also takes some courage from individual players to be "the one" who is under scrutiny. Others are able to look at their own charts during the discussion and also to talk to the coach separately.
While the collaborative activity of calculating percentage contributions from each stroke can be a valuable learning and discussion opportunity on its own, and the unveiling of the first pie chart does make a powerful impact, the time commitment to undertake this task can also provide an unwanted distraction from the performance analysis goals of the session. Several croquet players have since collaborated to create an Excel spreadsheet to fast-track and automate this process. From the completed analysis grid in Table 2, the data is entered into the orange cells on the page shown in Table 3 and the calculations on Table 4. Pie charts representing proportions of shot types played, opportunities to improve performance based on the game analysis, and an overall performance score are automatically generated by the spreadsheet. These outputs are described below. (The analysis spreadsheet produces the same information in the form of histograms with bars of different heights to represent the number of each type of stroke played, however we will discuss only the pie charts in this article.)
"Contribution" pie chart shows proportion of each stroke type played The first graphical output is a Contribution pie chart - this shows Cowing's original pie chart as a circle separated into slices representing the proportion of the total strokes of each type played (success+fail). For our example, the Contribution pie chart is shown in Chart 1 below.
The visual display is a powerful indication to players of where their practice should be directed. In this case, more than half of the total strokes played in the game were positional strokes. The relative proportions of each major type of stroke (positional, hooping, clearing) are very similar in analyses to date for a very wide range of players and playing abilities. Some of the individual strokes are discussed later in this article. "Opportunities to improve" pie chart shows proportion of unsuccessful strokes of each type The next step is to split each part of the pie (e.g. Hooping, Clearing, etc) into portions exploring the proportions of each stroke which were successful and which were unsuccessful. This can be done by hand by shading the portions of each slice of the pie chart to indicate the failed strokes. Here it immediately becomes obvious where the biggest opportunities for improvement can be made. In our example the player had 10 failed positional strokes out of a total of 52 strokes - that's 19% of the total, and this contributes to a rather large slice on a pie chart. This visualisation shows players where they can target their stroke play to improve their overall number of successful strokes played. The current version of the CPA tool simplifies Cowing's separation of strokes into success and fail with a pie chart called "opportunities to improve". Here the successful strokes are combined into a grey area, and the other pie slices show the proportions of unsuccessful strokes for each stroke type. The larger the segment, the more improving this stroke type can contribute to increasing the size of the grey "success" segment and improving overall performance. Chart 2 below shows "opportunities to improve" for the player in our example. Here the grey area represents the 58% of all strokes which were successful, while the other segments show where unsuccessful strokes were played and where improvement can therefore be sought. This chart highlights the need for this player to improve his position taking, but also shows areas for attention in both hoop-running and long-distance clearing. We will discuss different shot types below.
Calculating a Success score
However, to adapt Bob Rotella's excellent golf psychology book title: 'Croquet is not a game of perfect'. The CPA tool is a powerful visual method to effectively convince lower level players that top players play far from perfectly - even when winning top class events. The success score for the player in our example was 58.
Assessing performance in stroke types In this section we will discuss the different stroke types assessed in the CPA. While the analysis of one individual game can be very interesting, analysis across multiple games, across a range of levels of playing ability, or for one player against multiple opponents and across several competitions can highlight patterns which provide important guidance for players and coaches. Individual players can begin to understand their strengths and weaknesses to help guide practice sessions, as well as gaining insight into solid tactical options for competition play.
At all levels of Golf Croquet, from beginner to national championship finals, positional strokes account for more than half the strokes played in a competitive game of Golf Croquet. Only one participant in the United Croquet Club workshop spent less time (38%) taking position, with a significantly larger amount of time than anyone else spent clearing. This put the player's shooting under considerable pressure, particularly as hit clearances were generally struck very powerfully, and ultimately he lost the game 7-4. Following the workshop and discussions about tactical options this player has adopted a more conventional tactical approach, and has worked hard to improve his medium-pace shooting – resulting in considerable tournament success and frequent handicap reductions. Taking position should be an 'easy' stroke to play while, as we discuss below, long distance clearing will always be a slice of the performance pie which has room for improvement, as shooting at balls that are many yards away is challenging for all players.
John-Paul Moberly lost the first game of the 2019 British Open Final 7-2, having only 70% success in taking position at hoops, while Reg Bamford successfully took position 20 times from 20 strokes. Moberly had a slightly superior clearing percentage at 67% (10/10 below 8 yards and 0/5 above 8 yards) while Bamford's was 60% (4/4 below 8 yards and 5/11 above 8 yards), but the simple fact that there were 40 position-taking strokes compared to 30 clearing strokes in the match made a significant difference. Clearing opponent balls from hoop-shooting distance It is clear from analysis of more than 50 Golf Croquet games from club player to international representative level that being able to clear balls from 7 yards away or less (hitting the opponent away and generally causing that ball to move further than the striker's ball travels) is a critical skill in the game of Golf Croquet. This is one area where 90% is a minimum number for percentage of successful clearances to win at high levels. In the recent WCF Openshaw Shield competition (the Golf Croquet World Team Championship), the power and accuracy of clearances under 7 yards was astonishing. Clearing above 7 yards is an area where weaker players (handicaps 5 and above) can regard hits as bonuses, and even elite players cannot expect to be scoring much higher than 60% in games. That's 4 shots in every 10 which either miss, or only uselessly glance the opponent ball. This includes Reg Bamford's performance in winning the 2019 British Open Golf Croquet singles championship final. The player unable to hit more than half of his or her under 4-yard clearances (which necessarily includes strokes of less than a yard!), is not likely to progress far. Approximately 30% of strokes played in a game of Golf Croquet are attempted clearances, again making this an important area of practice. Hooping attempts account for more than 10% of strokes Analysis of games at many levels suggests that typically 10-20% of strokes played in Golf Croquet are attempts to run hoops. Hoop running is separated in this tool into running the hoop along the ground, and jump strokes (although clearance strokes where a blocking ball needs to be jumped are also classified as Jumping). Hoop running includes very long-range attempts, where the opponent has two balls in front of the hoop and the only way back is an unlikely hoop run from distance, down to easy 2-inch shots. In our example, the player had 5 shots as his goal, and was unsuccessful in all 5. The clear first thought is, 'He needs to practise his hoop running!' Perhaps the next thought might be 'I wonder how many of those hoops were attempted from under 3 yards?'. It would perhaps be interesting to separate hoop running into "close" and "distant" strokes; however, this is very dependent on the level of the player, the ground conditions and hoop type. For United Croquet Club in full summer with hard ground and Atkins Quadway hoops, even for elite players a 2-yard hoop is a very good challenge. In clubs where the ground is softer and the hoops are easier, for example the 2019 British Open Championships, it was more reasonable to take position further back and expect to run a 4-yard hoop at every attempt. For an average to strong player wanting to explore their performance in detail, over several games, separating into hoop attempts from under/over 3 yards would provide interesting information. For beginners and high handicap club players a better yardstick would be under/over 1 yard.
This is a little complicated, as it is arguable that many weaker players attempt to run long hoops when they should instead be taking a more patient approach and taking better position, or gently clearing an opponent ball. That said, it is an undeniable fact that looking at the statistics for the player in our example, he could not have been the winner of this match - he attempted only 5 shots at any hoops. This is much more interesting at more elite levels, where stroke-making precision is generally higher, and tactics are often very specific to the players in the game. If the number of hoops attempted is low, the player should be considering opportunities to increase this number - for example by taking on longer hoops rather than clearing (as often, clearing an opponent means you have given up your only chance when you are actually in front of the hoop), or by taking position when the opponent is unable to or less likely to clear (further from the opponent, and even at distances where the opponent will leave a free shot at the hoop). A good example of tactical misjudgement around shots on target was the 2016 Openshaw Shield (Golf Croquet World Teams Championship) final. In the final round of games, Egyptian Mohammed Nasr played New Zealand's Jenny Clarke. Clarke been running hoops poorly in the two previous singles matches and a clear Egyptian team tactic was to simply take position and ignore Clarke's ball if it was any appreciable distance from the hoop. Against a stronger opponent, the kiwi's tactic was simply to take advantage of any opportunities to run any hoop. New Zealand were ultimately victorious in that match and in the championship. How much practice should be devoted to jumping? This section deserves comment as it is very hard to convince up and coming, particularly young, players that endlessly practising showy jump strokes is a poor use of time. While having big jump strokes available in the arsenal can be an important asset in big matches, in around 30 games analysed, the average number of jump strokes per game per player was approximately 1.5. That's around 3% of the total number of strokes played in any game of Golf Croquet. Jump shots are very worthy of practice, but not at the expense of position and clearances. Having a clear visual representation of the proportion of strokes of each type played makes the CPA tool a very useful way to demonstrate to players that jump strokes are not the most critical part of their armoury to develop. Indeed, in Reg Bamford's 2-0 Championship finals win, in the 2019 British Open Golf Croquet Championship, he attempted no jump strokes, and Moberly was successful in only one of his two attempts. Other stroke types The other stroke types in the Cowing Performance Analysis tool are less commonly played, but are useful in scouting opposition players, and when coaching tactical play. The "Blocking" stroke refers to taking position where one's ball deliberately blocks the path of the opponent, either from running a hoop or clearing another ball. As with other strokes, sometimes the block can be played from an inch, so is very easy, and other times it is from some distance. Nevertheless, scouting would have demonstrated to any coach preparing their player that Nelson Morrow (NZ) was masterful at playing blocking shots in the 2018 British Open Golf Croquet Championships (at the same time, he was missing many clearances) - suggesting perhaps the player should be taking position closer to hoops to avoid being blocked, and should anticipate the possibility of a ball being dribbled into an awkward position more often than they are used to. The "Jawsing" stroke is also interesting - some players are renowned 'hoop crawlers' - playing for advantageous position in the jaws of a hoop, rather than attempting to run the hoop cleanly, particularly in odd numbered hoops. If a player is good at jawsing, as the opponent it is good to be aware of the need to take position in front of the hoop where a jump shot is possible, or potentially have a ball ready to clear something lodged in a hoop. For a player who is not good at jawsing, having an objective success/fail count could be a good way for their coach to convince them to actually run a hoop when they have the opportunity.
Similarly, 'Unjawsing' is important for high handicapped players as they often completely lose the clean technique of their swing when trying to dislodge a ball from the jaws of a hoop - often over-aggressively attempting to hit that opponent ball to a spot 50 metres away! Revisiting the Success score - winning and losing The overall Success score number, representing the percentage of successful strokes, is a powerful predictor of win/loss of an individual game of golf croquet. In more than 50 analysed games, only one game was won by the player with the lower success score. In that one case, the losing player had unluckily hit his opponent through 2 hoops. Otherwise, even where there was only a 2% difference between the success scores of the two players, the better performing player, as assessed by this tool, won the game. This can be interpreted as meaning that the more successful strokes one plays, independent of how successful these strokes actually are in terms of hooping/clearing/positioning/etc, the more likely that player is to win. This provides strong support for getting the basics right and being successful on the strokes that can be practised over and over, and particularly on those strokes that are most frequent in the game - position, position, position! The Success score also provides an indication of where the player fits into the current group of players they are competing with. An interpretation of the success score is given in Table 5.
In the case of well-matched (similar handicap, for example) players, the Success score, combined with the more detailed information from the Contribution and Opportunities for improvement pie charts provides a useful indication where weaknesses are, and can help to provide a roadmap for progressing into the next level of play. Equally interesting in Table 5 is the top range of the success score - 75% is a tournament winning performance level. This means that players who are successful in only 3 out of 4 strokes in games within a tournament are likely to win that tournament! To see this in practice, Table 6 below lists some winning and losing success scores for recent major tournaments:
This clearly demonstrates that it is not necessarily the choice of strokes, but the quality of strokes that is important. Obviously, tactical factors will be important - taking position too close to an opponent ball could lead to the opponent easily clearing you to 20 to 30 yards away, meaning your following stroke has a much lower probability of success. Note that Reg Bamford, the number one Golf Croquet player in the world, a former Golf Croquet world champion and one of the best Golf Croquet players on the planet, had success scores for the two games of his 2019 British Open final match of 80% and 82% - only four out of five shots he played were classified as successful, and he won the match with much acclaim for his performance. This clearly demonstrates that croquet is not a game of perfect performance, which is valuable knowledge for any player whose progress is limited by the belief that they cannot progress in Golf Croquet unless they achieve every stroke with absolute precision. The Performance Analysis workshop in July 2019 at United Croquet Club featured a match between two 15-year-old players, both playing off handicaps of 5. One player scored 56% success - a modest result, but the player was surprised to lose the game 7-0. The opponent got 19 out of 25 positional shots classified as "success" by his analyst (another 15-year-old), but scored an overall 81%-- the second highest score recorded in over 50 games analysed with this tool. Five months later, the winner of that game won a national championship and received a well-deserved non-automatic handicap reduction to Minus 3!
Jenny Clarke has been playing international representative croquet for 17 years and achieved top ranking several years ago. Her Golf Croquet honours include 4 medals in women's world championships and quarter final placings in several open world championships. She is usually the highest ranked female in the world rankings. With husband Chris Clarke she won a Gold Medal in the 2016 Openshaw Shield (Golf Croquet World Team Championships), as well as multiple national doubles titles. She is currently ranked #28 in the world rankings of Golf Croquet and #14 in the world in Association Croquet. In 2019 she was awarded New Zealand Player of the Year by Croquet New Zealand and was inducted into the Croquet New Zealand Hall of Fame. As a sport science lecturer at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, Jenny has carried out research in the areas of coaching and teaching, with a recent sabbatical in England where she explored the excellent Pod system of coaching introduced to the United Kingdom in 2014. She is also a Grade Three Golf Croquet coach with the English Croquet Association and has extensive coaching experience in both Golf Croquet and Association Croquet at all levels in New Zealand.
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